Friday, December 5, 2008

Ryan Goes to Kindergarten

Each week Hailey's teacher, Miss Hale, has a "secret reader" come in and read the kids a story. They also get to tell the kids a little about what they do for a living. All week Miss. Hale gives the kids clues to let them see if they can guess who is coming. Well today Ryan got to be the "Secret Reader" for Hailey's class. We kept it a secret from Hailey so she could be surprised and she was. I took the kids to school, Ryan usually takes them, telling them that Ryan had a meeting he had to go to. That way Ryan could get there and set up and I could have an excuse for getting the little girls ready. It was a lot of fun to hear Ryan telling the kids what he does for a living. They were so into it and excited. They would point at the games that he has worked on and say "Hey I have that, or I play that!" It was really cute. He read them a story called Don't Give up Stanely that he wrote and illustrated in high school. Then he had them do a little mad lips thing. He told them that he was going to draw Miss. Hale's class room monster and they had to tell him what it looked like. He would say, "Miss. Hale's class room monster has __ hands." Then he would call on one of the kids to fill in the blank. They couldn't wait to see what the monster was going to look like. They went to computer lab, and when they came back Miss. Hale's class room monster was waiting for them. I was talking to the teachers in the back of the room and they said they were going to have a hard time topping Ryan. I guess the kids are not usually as engaged and excited as they were for Ryan. I think our kids will always win when it is bring your parent to school day. They all had a lot of fun and it was fun to watch. Way to be a great dad Ryan!!

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