Sunday, January 25, 2009

Her WOMAN tooth is in!!

About a week ago Hailey was complaining that her tooth hurt. I looked at it and saw that the gums behind her front bottom teeth were swollen. We had a talk about brushing better, and I got some floss to make sure there wasn't anything stuck in there. When I went to floss her around her tooth I discovered the real problem, her tooth was lose. Why didn't I think of that before?! Well, because she is my little girl and she isn't supposed to be old enough to have a lose tooth.

Over the next week she kept wiggling it, but we didn't worry about it too much. There is no rushing these things, especially when Mom doesn't want it to happen. On Tuesday of this week she asked me to wiggle her tooth for her and see how lose it was. When I went to wiggle it I saw that her WOMAN tooth, that is what our hygienist calls them, had already come in behind her baby teeth. Well that wouldn't do. I told her to wiggle her tooth all day and that it was going to have to come out that night.

That evening we all gathered around to get Hailey's tooth out. I pulled out the pliers and went to work. (I pulled out Riley's first tooth this way too. I think we are going to have to make it a tradition.) She cried more about opening her mouth to let me put the pliers in then she did when I actually pulled the tooth. She didn't even realize it was out. Sydney and Carley, trying to be supportive little sisters, kept opening their mouths trying to convice me they had teeth that needed pulling too. I told Carley that she needed to grow some teeth before I could pull any out.

Hailey was really excited the next morning when she woke me up bright and early, well not so bright, it was too early to be bright, to show me the money the tooth fairy had left for her. My little girl is growing up.


  1. That is so funny that Sydney and Carley wanted a tooth pulled as well. Just seeing those pictures makes my teeth hurt, although I know it doesn't hurt as bad when it is about to come out anyway. Hailey is such a trooper.

  2. Yeah Hailey! Keep up the good work caring for your teeth. Remember to floss too. Flossing will keep all of the parts of your teeth that touch each other clean and free of the little "bugs" that make cavities.
    I'm sure your Dentist will be so proud of you!
    We love you Braman Family!
    The Whites
