Thursday, January 8, 2009


My Sweet Little Helper

Carley is my sweet little helper. Regardless of what I am doing she always wants to be a part of it. Whenever I say that I have to go do something she always follows me saying, "I hep you Mommy, I hep you." She especially loves to do the laundry. I think this is because she gets to push buttons. I have to put the washer and dryer on child lock after we get them started so she doesn't mess up the cycles. I love having a little shadow so willing to be beside me and be my little helper. I hope she never grows out of it. She melts my heart. Tender moments!!!

Cute Piggies

Sometime during Christmas break, when we were all sick and stuck at home, I decided to see if Carley's hair was long enough to put into piggies. We were REALLY bored!! Well it was long enough and here are the cute picts. to prove it. She was so cute, but oh so sick.

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