Wednesday, December 31, 2008


For us Christmas starts the first Monday after Thanksgiving when we decorate our Christmas tree for family home evening. It was a lot of fun!

Santa visited our ward Christmas party this year. He even brought his list of good boys and girls for the kids to check and make sure their name was there. My kids were very relieved to see their names. They were all excited to sit on his lap and see if he was going to come visit them. Well, all of them except for Carley. The closer we got to Santa the tighter she held onto me. What is it about a jolly guy in a red suit that makes kids so scared? We usually have a tradition of going and getting a family picture with Santa, but Ryan was laid off before the day we had scheduled to go. So for this year these picts will have to do.

Each year I make matching PJ's for my entire family. Ryan and the kids got home late from G&G Braman's Christmas Eve (Sydney and I stayed home because she was sick.) so I didn't get any pictures Christmas eve. We tried Christmas day and they didn't turn out that great, but oh well. We had a wonderful Christmas and were spoiled by everyone. We even had a few secret Santa's drop some surprises at our door. I don't know who they are, and I probably never will. We appreciate their kindness toward us. On Christmas Eve all I could do was cry. Sydney was very worried. People kept knocking on the door and leaving things that made her mommy cry. Very traumatic for a 3yr old. Kinda funny now that I think about it. I hope that someday we can pay it back by paying it forward.

Hailey and Sydney got bubbles in their stockings and had a lot of fun trying them out. I had to include the pictures because of what Sydney does to Hailey!! I couldn't stop laughing.


  1. I am so sorry to hear about Ryan's job. We are praying for you guys. I am so glad you did have a good Christmas though. I think it is amazing that you make everyone matching PJs. They turned out cute. Love the pictures.

  2. LOVE the jammies! You are so talented making the whole family jammies.

    You guys are in my prayers.

  3. You have a beautiful family! How are you?? It has been forever since I have seen or heard from you.
