Tuesday, February 24, 2009


We didn't do a whole lot for Love Day this year. Ryan's birthday is so close to it, and with everything else going on we kinda skipped it. The kids didn't skip it though. The Monday before V-Day we used to put together all the kids valentine cards. I thought this would be a quick fun activity. Two hours later when the kids still weren't done and it was bed time, that thought was long gone. When there are at least 32 kids in each class and two to three teachers it takes FOREVER to fill out all those little cards. I was really glad we got a head start. The kids finished up over the next few days and had fun exchanging them with their friends at school. Sydney was really excited. This was her first Love Day in school. She couldn't wait to give her teacher the card she made for her. It was cute. Happy Valentines Day everyone. I know I am a little late, but we are still in February, so it still counts!!!


  1. Seeing your little kids is just like deja vu.

  2. Tell Sydney that I have the card she made me in my "special box" so I can keep it safe from little fingers. Thank you sweet Sydney!

    PS, Annika says Hi to her "New Friend Sydney." Although I'm not at all sure why Sydney is suddenly her "new friend."
