Friday, November 28, 2008

October Part 2

The Pumpkin Patch.

Every year we take the kids to Bates Nut farm to pick out their pumpkins, see the animals, and have a fun family day. This year was even more fun because Uncle Steven, my brother, was here visiting and got to come with us. Thanks to him we have some great pictures. I desperately need to get a new camera.
The kids each picked out their pumpkins and we went over to the animals. We went on a Monday this year because we didn't have any Saturdays to spare. It turned out to be a lot more fun. There was hardly anyone there, and the animals wanted to be fed since they hadn't been fed by the crouds all day. They were eating right out of our hands. Carley, as we have already seen, is a big climber. She had a great time climbing to the tops of the fences. She would get really mad when we made her get down. After we were done with the animals we went into the cute little country store to see what they had and get everyone a little treat. We ended up getting everyone IBC grape, black cherry, and rood beer soda. Root beer is my favorite and there was only one left. My sweet family let me have it and they split up the other flavors. We got everyone their own except Carley. We didn't think she would be able to drink one on her own and could share with everyone else. She was fine with that until she got a taste of mine. She didn't want anything else after that. I have to admit I have taught her some bad habits, she is a root beer adict. Check out what a little shlup she turned into when she got the bottle to herself. Needless to say, I didn't get anymore. So much for MY root beer. Oh well I gave it up to a cutie.


  1. That is nice that Steven got to come visit. It looks like your kids had a lot of fun.

  2. What a fun time! I love the pictures.

    Why is it moms always have to share? ;)
