Monday, November 3, 2008


I have been very busy lately and have not had much time to sit down and blog. I thought I would take the ten minutes I have before I have to go to let everyone know we are still alive. This month has been one of the craziest months ever. I will have to give you a complete run though later, but here is an over view of the things that have kept me running this month. Hailey and Riley Soccer, Yes on Prop. 8, Riley Scouts, Yes on Prop. 8, Riley Karate, Yes on Prop. 8, My Preschool, Yes on Prop. 8, Halloween costumes and parties, Yes on Prop. 8. As you can see between my kids and campaigning for YES ON PROP. 8 I haven't had a lot of time to sit down at the computer. I have not blogged on Prop. 8 before now because 1. I haven't had time, 2. I don't think that more than a hand full of people read this blog. I left the heavy blogging to those whose blogs are more read and hit the streets. I am pleading with anyone who does read this before tomorrow to please vote YES on Prop. 8. If you still have questions or concerns about this proposition please go to


  1. Yes on Prop. 8 all the way! I can't vote on that issue, but if I could I would! Good job on volunteering with that campaign. You're my hero!

  2. You sound like a very busy mom. It is good to know you are all still alive and well. When you do get time to blog some more, we are excited to see Halloween pics if you took some. Love you all.

  3. Prince,

    Wow, more people than I thought read my blog. Good or bad, I'm not sure. I'm sure it is only because I mentioned Prop 8 and my support of it. I have done my research on Prop. 8. I don't take TV adds and e-mail campaigns for their word. If you want a campaign full of half trues it is no on Prop. 8. They have the state school superintendent telling everyone that schools don't have to teach about marriage. Well that is half true. The state does not require it, they leave it up to the districts to decide and 96% of districts require their schools to teach about marriage. I would really like to reserve my parental rights to teach my children about this issue how and when I choose. Second they say that if Prop. 8 passes it will be taking rights away from same sex couples. This is not true. You will still have all the rights that you had before under a civil union. The only thing that will change is that the traditional definition of marriage will stay the same. You talk about loving thy neighbor, which I do. I have nothing against same sex couples. I can love them and tolerate them with out agreeing with them. Funny thing about tolerance, it has to go both ways to work. I would like a little tolerance for my beliefs and my rights to maintain the traditional definition of marriage as being between a Man and a Woman. This will be the final word on this blog concerning this. This is my FAMILY blog, not a political forum for everyone to spit on my shoes and call it shining them. Any further disparaging remarks will be deleted. Thanks for reading.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Hi Kim,
    Here's my, rather lengthy, support of Prop 8. These are my thoughts about it. (this might get long.) Let me try to address a couple of the points above.

    1. Federal law is higher than state law. So, if you say that you want to change marriage in CA so that you can get federal marriage rights, that doesn't work. Even if Prop 8 doesn't pass, you still won't be considered married in the eyes of the federal government. "This is a fact. Do your homework."

    2. Sex ed will change. It is completely different to tell a kid to have tolerance for everyone than to tell them that the guys down the street are married to each other. Also, why are you taking the word of two newspapers for gospel, when you (and I) can go to the actual educational code. Even with opt-out clauses for sex-ed, the general tone of classrooms will change. Textbooks have story problems that can and do mention married people and all kinds of books are read in the classroom. Those aren't necessarily part of "sex-ed." Should we check each teacher's daily lesson plan so we know when to opt-out?

    3. Here's the final point from me. You are going to do what you believe in, so am I. But, by voting against Prop 8 you are taking away some of my rights. Being married, whether heterosexual or not, is not actually a right. Sure, there are rights attached to it by the state and federal governments, but it is not a right in and of itself. However, you will be infringing on some of my basic rights as defined in the Constitution, by rejecting Prop 8. I will not have the right to free speech as if I say anything, in or out of the schools, in or out of the church, or wherever against gay marriage I could be brought up on hate-crime charges. I will not have the right to protect and raise my family as I see fit.

    I do believe strongly in Prop 8. I believe that it will protect my family and all of our families. I'm sorry that people think this infringes on their rights, but the way I see it, Prop 8 has to pass.

    Oh, and just in case you think I'm some right-wing, conservative wack-job, I'm not. In fact, in most things I'm pretty darn liberal.


  6. By the way, I don't think there is anything wrong with being conservative, right-wing, liberal, etc. I was just making a point. Sorry if it came across like that.

  7. Families are important. I am fighting to help pass Prop 8 for my girls and for the future of this country. (YES on 8!)

    This issue is such a hot topic, so many opinions... Pray for understanding and a softening of everyone's hearts.

  8. So much for your little read blog. You have lots of comments on this topic. ;)
