Thursday, September 25, 2008

What an awesome Daddy!!

This morning Hailey asked Ryan if he would do her hair. Ryan asked her if she was sure. She said "Yes, I want you to do it." So off they went to get the comb, and the hair products. I thought it was great that he would do that for her. Really, how many dads wade into the world of girls hair? Way to be a great dad Ryan!! I could just hear the french voice in his head, "Yes, a little more over here, and scrunch it there. Magnific!! I am the master!!" If you know Ryan very well you know what I'm talking about. If you don't, well get to know him. Sorry I didn't get an after photo, but she looked great.


  1. I love it. I hope some day I get a girl, and I hope Troy gets the privilege of doing her hair. From those pics, it looks like he did a great job.

  2. Very fun!! I love when daddy's play with their daughters, it is so sweet.

  3. I could total see Ryan saying that in a French accent..nice, well done! You should see what Becky did to my looks good to, it must run in the family.

  4. One year for our New Years Resolutions, the girls informed Ryan that he needed to learn to fix hair. He does a great job. Many times he has braided, curled, and fixed their hair. The girls love when he does their hair. Such good Daddies!
