Monday, September 29, 2008

Wish Me luck!!

I am trying to potty train Carley this week. On Friday she came to me and said "potty." I thought ya right, but why not. So I took her in the bathroom, took off her diaper, and put her on the potty. Much to my surprise and excitement she went!!! I threw a party. We did the potty dance, sang the potty song, had everyone clap and cheer for her, called Daddy at work, an of course gave her a potty treat. She has gone four time since then. This morning we put the panties on and are really excited to be on the verge of no one in diapers.



  1. I am so jelous! We should start with Tanner, but I am still working on the motivation, probably after we go to Bama though!

  2. Haven't all of your kids done really well with potty training? That is so awesome. Brax did great at first, but he has been slacking off lately. I think he is just too busy playing and doesn't want to take the time so he goes in his pull-up. I should just do underwear, but then I think I would have a lot of messes to clean up because I have done that before as well.

  3. Tasha, You are busy enough trying to figure out 2 boys right now. It took me a lot longer to get Sydney going because I had Carley. Give yourself time.
    Heather, As stated above Sydney took a little longer. I do have to say though that pull-up's don't cut it at my house. They are just a more expensive glorified diaper. I usually only use them for church or when I have to run around town. My opinion is it is a lot more effective when it is running down their legs. Gross for you but they get the message. I think I have been blessed with kids who picked it up early. Some just take longer. Don't worry I know that neither Tanner or Brax will be graduating high school with a diaper. There is plenty of time to work on it. :}

  4. Carly is so cute! Man, we have a lot to look forward to. :)
